Photos of Sandy and Family

This is Sandy’s parents Woody Swallow and Ethel Mills. Both born on the Pine Ridge reservation and grew up about 40 miles from each other. They met for the first time is Oregon during World War II. He had been at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed by the Japanese. She went to Oregon to help the war effort by riveting on ships. They met at a bar that was frequented by South Dakota people. They were married in Chadron NE when he was on leave from the Navy.

This buffalo hunt was on the Pine Ridge Reservation. My husband Wayne Morgan, son- in-law Chuck Yotter, our boys Clint and Matt Morgan. Takanka sustained the tribe and was how the warriors fed the people

This picture is of Sandy and her sister Donna Swallow. It was taken in the early 50’s.

Wayne and Sandy’s children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

Wayne and Sandy in front of their Tipi at their home

When Sandy was invited to the White House by Laura Bush.

Sandy's Grandson Levi Morgan

Masayuki Nagase Sculptor
Billy Mills Olympic Gold Medalist,
Mike Wise ESPN Writer,
Sandy Swallow Artist

Sandy with Mr. Muto