Entries by Sandy Swallow

Sister Star

I wrote this song “Sister Star” to honor my older Sister Donna Swallow. She was murdered in 1968 at the young age of 21.
Collaborating with Scott Simpson made my song Sister Star become a reality.
When I look to the Stars in Heaven, I think of my Sister.
Although our family life was difficult. She was always there for me. I want people to know that she was a strong Lakota Woman and should not be defined by her death.

Running the Milky Way

Running the Milky Way
There is a heartfelt connection between a man and his horse (Sunkawakan). One Lakota tradition is that when people die they go to the Milky Way. I thought a song honoring the Horse Nation going to meet their masters would be fitting. They are in the Stars running the Milky Way. Just listen carefully you can hear the pounding of their hoofs. When they race the sparking of the hoofs create stars.